2017 Proxy Season Preview – Brazil

Glass Lewis presents a preview of the upcoming 2017 proxy season for Brazil. The Glass Lewis research team discusses key developments for the 2017 proxy season, including board elections, remuneration, and changes to proxy voting procedures resulting from Instruction 561.

Listen to or download the audio file here.

You can also read a summary of what to look for in our Brazilian Season Preview Briefing here.


  • Andrew Gebelin – Senior Director of European Research
  • Eva Valles – Senior Analyst, Latin America
  • Francisca Vicente – Analyst, Latin America


  • Political turmoil fuels corporate governance reform. (1:12)
  • Foreign investors’ struggle to exercise their rights in board elections. (3.00)
  • What Instruction 561 means for the 2017 AGM season. (5:47)
  • Is the information provided to shareholders getting better? (8:40)
  • How to make sure your votes are counted. (11:47)
  • How Brazilian remuneration votes compare to other markets. (13:20)
  • How issuers get around disclosure requirements. (14:40)
  • Concerns about remuneration structures keep piling up. (15:55)
  • Anything can happen at the AGM… (16:38)
  • Is the information provided to shareholders getting better? Part 2. (18:35)
  • Glass Lewis presents 2017 policy updates. (19:51)

Produced by: Martin Mortell

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