Proxy Season Insider: April 24

Important highlights from upcoming meetings, provided by Glass Lewis' global research team Wienerberger AG Wiener Börse – May 6 Two major shareholders submitting competing director nominees to address perceived shortcomings in board composition sounds like [...]

By |2021-04-08T14:51:41-07:00April 24, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Proxy Season Insider: April 24

Proxy Season Insider 18/03/2013: HPQ, EAD, & TLSN

Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) | NYSE | Meeting Date: 3/20/2013 While CEO Meg Whitman and the board have made significant strides over the past year to set the Company on the right track and attempt to reclaim [...]

By |2021-04-08T14:57:03-07:00March 18, 2013|Blog|Comments Off on Proxy Season Insider 18/03/2013: HPQ, EAD, & TLSN

UBS Seeks to Allay Shareholder Concerns Regarding Pay

Following several years of shareholder discontent regarding pay practices, UBS has hit the road to gather feedback on how to shore up its executive compensation plans against mounting pressure from investors and regulators. The Financial [...]

By |2021-04-08T14:57:29-07:00September 18, 2012|Blog|Comments Off on UBS Seeks to Allay Shareholder Concerns Regarding Pay