Auditor Ratification in India: Are Shareholders Missing Out?

Recent changes to Indian law have resulted in a decreased number of auditor ratification (and audit fee ratification) proposals being submitted to shareholders during the 2018 proxy season – just as accounting scandals have shareholders [...]

By |2021-04-08T14:52:30-07:00July 2, 2018|Blog|Comments Off on Auditor Ratification in India: Are Shareholders Missing Out?

Proxy Season Insider: Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA

SVENSKA CELLULOSA AKTIEBOLAGET SCA NASDAQ OMX Stockholm:  SCA.A            Meeting Date: 4/15/2015 Svenska Cellulosa AB ("SCA") is the focal point of a headline-stealing corporate-spending scandal that has been unfolding since late 2014 [...]

By |2021-04-08T14:55:34-07:00April 3, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Proxy Season Insider: Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA

Chinese Auditor Suspension Racks Investor Nerves… Again

The recent suspension of the Chinese affiliates of the “Big Four” accounting firms from auditing U.S.-traded companies for six months has sent shares of many companies tumbling and strained relations between U.S. and Chinese regulators. [...]

By |2021-04-08T14:56:25-07:00January 29, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Chinese Auditor Suspension Racks Investor Nerves… Again

Mandatory Auditor Rotation Dropped by UK Commission

Published July 2013. Under measures proposed by the Competition Commission, UK issuers will be required to tender their external audit every five years, and submit the audit committee’s report to an advisory shareholder vote annually; [...]

By |2022-09-28T08:57:41-07:00July 24, 2013|Blog|Comments Off on Mandatory Auditor Rotation Dropped by UK Commission