Buenos Aires Stock Exchange:  GCLA                Meeting Date:  3/20/2014

Shareholders will be asked to ratify and approve Grupo Clarin’s divestiture and split of its media conglomerate into six separate entities. The corporate restructure seeks to comply with the Audiovisual Services Media Law issued by the Argentine Audiovisual Communications Services (AFSCA) in 2009, which limits companies to 35% of the media market. Grupo Clarin brought its qualms with the controversial Media Law to the supreme court, which upheld its constitutionality. Grupo Clarin now has six months to divest and separate its operations in order to comply.


TONG YANG SECURITIES (see Proxy Season Insider here)
Korea Exchange:  003470              Meeting Date: 3/14/2014

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen:  DDB              Meeting Date: 3/18/2014

WALT DISNEY CO. (see Proxy Season Insider here)
NYSE:  DIS               Meeting Date: 3/18/2014

NASDAQ OMX Stockholm:  SWED              Meeting Date: 3/19/2014

BERLIAN LAJU TANKER TBK (see Proxy Season Insider here)
Indonesia Stock Exchange:  BLTA              Meeting Date: 3/19/2014

HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. (see Proxy Season Insider here)
NYSE:  HPQ              Meeting Date: 3/19/2014

HRT PARTICIPACOES EM PETROLEO S.A. (see Proxy Season Insider here)
Bovespa – Novo Mercado:  HRTP3              Meeting Date: 3/19/2014